Ibn Abdillah As-Sudaisiy Al-Iloori - Assudaisiy.com

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Ibn Abdillah As-Sudaisiy Al-Iloori

Brief Profile

He is a Legal Practitioner, a prolific writer, an editor, a poet and a member of League of Qur'an memorizers in Nigeria. He was born in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria in the early eighties. He attended Ajoke Model Nursery and Primary School, Ilorin, St. Anthony's Secondary School, Ilorin, Federal Government College (FGC), Ilorin, College of Arabic and Islamic Legal Studies, Ilorin, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, and the Nigerian Law School (Abuja Campus).

Ibn 'Abdillaah was Ameer MSS, FGC, Ilorin from 2002 to 2003. He was President, Law Students' Association (LASA) at CAILS from 2004 to 2005. He was Ameer, Nigeria Association of Muslim Law Students (NAMLAS), University of Ilorin from 2008 to 2009. He specializes in Human Rights, Intellectual Property and Criminal Justice. He loves sports and poetry, and he is happily married with a child.
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