Ummu Abdurrahman Kifaayah Bukky
3rd Rabi'ul Aakhir 1446 AH (6th October 2024)
It is really convenient to blame men for most of the sufferings of women in this world. We find it easy to say men abuse the power given to them over women.
You might find this strange, but most of the cruelty I have witnessed to women are meted out by other women. Just give us a little power and some of us, misuse it. Honestly the depth of wickedness among women can be staggering.
When you see some of us with our maids, or relatives that live with us, you will be shocked at how we treat them. Hunger and torture that we can never wish for our own children is what we dish to other women's children, just because their parents are either dead, or too poor to raise them.
Some of us as bosses in the office, oh my God! We transfer aggression, always demanding for absolute respect. I mean.... people can't even air their opinion without being tagged disrespectful.
Some of us as mothers in law(or sisters in law) haaaaa! We take away the peace of mind of that innocent woman that married our son(or brother). We're jealous of her just because her husband loves her. We build up an imaginary rivalry and punish her for it. Some don't even rest until she leaves their house.
Some of us as daughters in law, once we smell that the husband loves us, his family is in trouble. We will continue to manipulate the innocent man until he badges Phd ìn jahannam through his mother.
Some of us as Co-wives either turn the other person to a slave or dish out blatant disrespect and emotional torture to our fellow women. We deliberately drive wedges between the Co and our husbands.
Before you point that finger, look in the mirror . Are you treating others exactly the way you want to be treated? Can you pray sincerely that your daughter be treated how you treat that young girl? Are you confident of your safety with Nakir & Munkar if your first encounter in the grave is based on how you have treated people in this world? Kindness is not gender specific.
This piece is not to attack anyone but to encourage us to introspect and do better. The grave is closer than we think. When we uplift and support one another, we create a more compassionate world.
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