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Ustadh Murtadho Adedokun

Around May 2016, Stephen Petranek, a renowned American journalist, predicted in a TED talk that humans would live on Mars in just twenty years (2036). He said Elon Musk, who owns a rocket company, was even more optimistic, saying that should have been accomplished by 2027. They boasted of the amazing capabilities of the human race without the slightest reference to Anyone behind it. The finality in their tones was beyond mere optimism. It left no room for any non-human control of the future. 

Just yesterday, Insight, an unmanned space probe landed on Mars. Though the first of its degree of sophistication, it is not the first to land on Mars as there are already two Mars rovers on the red planet.

Analysing what humans would need to live on Mars, Petranek listed food, water, air and shelter and explained at what stage efforts were at that time to manufacture each of those on Mars as they are not readily available there. Even at that, the temperature and thin atmosphere are not at all friendly to humans. 

I thought to myself: If we'll still need all those on Mars, why move there (over 200 million km away) when we have them for no asking on earth? Allah says:

(وَلَكُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ مُسْتَقَرٌّ وَمَتَاعٌ إِلَىٰ حِينٍ)

"On earth will be a dwelling-place for you and an enjoyment, - for a time" (Quran 7:24).

The simple answer is that humans have made earth very unfriendly through human vices like hate, prejudice and greed, none of which scientists can control or prevent. The only thing that can check those is what scientists generally mock and undermine most - religion.

How long will the first humans on Mars - if ever - enjoy peace? Only as long as it takes for something to trigger any of those vices that only faith in Allah was designed to put under control. Islam and submission to the Almighty remains the corner stone rejected by their builders.

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