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Ibn Abdillah As-sudaisiy Al-Iloori

I still remember that time when Sheikh Ameenullahi Ibrahim (Baba Madeenah) رحمه الله used to preach Sunnah with passion at "Ode Elebo", near Okekura. Some people used to make jest of him. We used to think he was being unnecessarily emotional with the situation of things then. Some of our Alfas used to discourage us from attending his lectures. They used to condemn him a lot. Now, we know what they hated in him. Alhaji Ameen was the one who used to jerk our hands up when we were about kneeling down for him. It was after a very long time that I later discovered why he used to do that. After greeting him, he would pray for us and even joke with us.

I was discussing with one of my teachers (who is now upon sunnah) few days ago. He said, one day, they were coming from Oja Oba beating bandiri, and they invaded his lecture ground with bandiri, singing and dancing 😃. But the man still kept quiet, he couldn't anything. But all praise is due to Allah, today, people can now preach sunnah in several paths of the community without problem. It is a gradual process. In sha Allah, the Sunnah would still enter every corners of Ilorin and all bid'ah would be flushed out by Allah's Grace.

May Allah have mercy on people who stand for Sunnah from the time of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم till eternity. They are blessed by Allah's Will!

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