In recent times, especially among the masses, marital or nuptial books are valued over other basic Sciences of Islām. Whereas, the safety of the mind rests on these Sciences, be it, fiqh, hadīth, sīrah, and others.
Abū Sahl, in a grand style, as usual, presents the forgotten aspect of history to English readers. That is 'The Book of the Firsts.'
Classical scholars paid attention to the topic, however, it became waned, and non has rendered it to English Language. So, Abu Sahl (perchance) becomes the first author to comprehensively rendered 'The Book of the Firsts' to English Language, aiming to revive the aspect of history.
The book is loaded with ayāt, ahādīth, āthār, and aqwāl of the scholars in mentioning and explaining the firsts in different aspect.
The book contains the issue (or story) of Aqīdah, Tawhīd, Fiqh, Hadīth, Books (yes, Abu Sahl writes a lot on books, and dedicated a chapter to Al Albānī), Fitnah, Pandemic, Spirituality, etc.
• You'll find the fact about Khidr in the book; was he a Prophet? is he alive? What is the Sufi belief about him?
• How the Prophets and the Pious used their nights.
• The beginning and initiator of every sect. There is an extensive discussion and rebuttal on Khawārij and Quraniyūn.
• Who is Mūsa Sāmiriy mentioned in Al Qur'an; was he trained by Jibrīl?
• How true is the theory of Language; Ya-hoo and others?
See! Buy the book and read the deep and knowledge-based research concerning the forgotten aspect of history.
Pre-order here: https://wa.link/e4mapp
#5000 (with a book gift for the first 20 people)
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