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©Ibn Abdillah As-sudaisiy Al-Iloori

It is not only misleading to hold what Sheikh Amubieya حفظه الله spearheaded yesterday to be protest, it is mischievous and deceitful because we have always known his position on this matter. Except I am mistaking, he doesn't hold "street protest" to be allowed under the sharī'ah.

The scholars have explained severally what constitutes "protest" that the sharī'ah condemns. They have explained the wisdom behind the evil of street protest against the constituted authority and its dangerous consequences. Yet, some people would still want to mix things up in defence of their non-evidence based opinion. Even though I believe the event could have been better handled in a way that those who are looking for every means to justify their errors to capitalise on it, what happened was still not "protest" that the sharī'ah condemns. For instance, there was no need to go to the Police Station with women and multitude of students. Some notable members of the community could have been selected in the company of dedicated lawyers for the visit and complaint.

I watched the video. What Sheikh Amubieya actually did was to lead a group of people to report a matter relating to alleged rape of a veiled woman in a Mosque to the affected institution (the Police), so that necessary actions would be taken. This is not street protest. It is highly mischievous to mix things up like this in an attempt justify a position. How does this event constitute the kind of "protest" that the sharī'ah condemns? They were not speaking against the government. They were not attacking the constituted authority. They only went to report what had happened in their community to the relevant institution of government for proper action to be taken. This is very normal. In fact, the Sheikh gave a report openly on what they had gone there to do. It is unfortunate that some people can twist it and tag it "peaceful protest". 

For the benefit of doubt, we know those who believe in street protest in the Muslim community and how they conduct themselves. We know how they do match from one place to another with placards in the name of "peaceful protest. So, how is this similar to what Sheikh Amubieya did? The matter was not even about the government or any of its agents. The report was not against the government or any of its agents. It was a matter involving a crime committed by a fellow citizen that was appropriately reported to the authority.

It is not forbidden for a Muslim or a group of Muslim to report a matter to the authority. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم did not forbid a person who is wronged to complain to the people in authority. The  Muslims can engage in dialogue with government officials with a view to solve some problems affecting Muslims. Muslims can go for arbitration or even courts when necessary to demand their rights. These are sunnatic ways of doing things and not trooping to the streets with placards and songs against the constituted. For instance, the hijab rights were won in courts and not through street protests. Our brother, Ahmad Adetola-Kazeem can attest to this fact. In the street protest on hijab in Kwara State, a brother was killed. How then is street protest a solution?

In my book, 50 Common Bid'ah (Religious Innovations) in our Contemporary World, I discussed protest as one of the innovated ways of ventilating grievance against the constituted authority. I gave the examples of the Arabic Spring that led to the loss many lives and properties in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. The Syrian war is still ongoing. Many lives have been lost and President Asad is still there. In Nigeria, we also have a taste of the evil consequences of street protest. No matter how peaceful its perpetrators claim to be, it can be hijacked by hoodlums. The aftermath of #Endsars "peaceful protest" is still fresh in our memories. 

In an authentic Hadith, 'Ubādah ibn As-Sāmit رضي الله عنه said: "We swore allegiance to the Messenger of Allāh صلى الله عليه وسلم, to hear and obey in times of difficulty and in prosperity, in hardship and in ease, and during his selfishness, and not to contend with those in authority; he صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

...unless you see open disbelief regarding which you have proof from Allāh. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

In another Hadith, Huthayfah ibn Al-Yamān رضي الله عنه with  him reported that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: 

There will be leaders who will not be led by my guidance and who will not adopt my ways. There will be among them men who will have the hearts of devils in the bodies of human beings.

Huthayfah رضي الله عنه asked, "What should I do, O Messenger of Allaah, if I live in that time?" He صلى الله عليه وسلم, replied: 

You listen to the leader and obey him. Even if your back is flogged and your wealth is taken, listen and obey.

On how to advise a leader or seek one's right from him, 'Iyad ibn Ghanam رضي الله عنه reported that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم, said:

Whoever intends to advise one with authority, he should not do so publicly. Rather, he should take him by the hand and advise him in private. If he accepts the advice, all is well. If he does not accept it, he has fulfilled his duty. [Musnad Aḥmad 14909]

Regarding those who follow their desires against texts, Imām Ahmad رحمه الله said:

دين النبيِّ محمدٍ آثار** نعمَ المطيةُ للفتى الآخبار

The religion of Prophet Muhammad is that of precedents. So, the excellent course for the wise therein is that of the traditions

لا تخدعن عن الحديث وأهله  ** فالرأي ليلٌ والحديث نهارُ

Get not decieved against the  Hadeeth and its custodians among the scholars, for opinion is but darkness while the hadeeth is daylight.  

ولربَّما جهِلَ الفتى طرق الهُدى  ** والشمسُ طالعة  لها أنوار

Perchance, one may lose track of the path of guidance; the Sun (of the Hadeeth) with its rays of light shall rise (to his aid)


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