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Sheikh Umar Dada Paiko

Wife comes in and you're aroused, so you cuddle, aiming to kiss her and boom, you're hit by a stench!

"Tueh," you scream in disgust, spitting almost on her face.

"You see why I hardly ever feel anything for you lately? You reek! Your smell is actually a pong," you rant on, scolding her like an offender.

You don't remember how many times she slept with you while your sticky, fowl smelling sweat enveloped your body, but she ignored it to comfort you.

How can you remember when you are the man and she's 'just a woman'!

First, why is she as distasteful as you deem her now? What's her daily routine like? When last did you go into the fireplace her kitchen has turned, to help with some chores?

After spending hours in a smoke filled kitchen, washing dishes, rubbing off her child's urine, stool, phlegm and all from her cloth, how fragrant do you expect her to be?

Brother, remember, she's a partner. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم says if you have a servant and/or a wife and they are overwhelmed by their duties, you must assist them!

Wear her shoes, know where they pinch, then work out the solution as one who knows the problem and its solution.

Bathe your wife, lessen her burden, buy her cream, perfume, good soap and savor her elegance as a result.

You can't reap what you don't sow if you're not a thief!

كلكم راع وكلكم مسؤول عن رعيته 

"Each of you is a shepherd and each of you will be questioned (by Allaah) concerning their flock."

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