Ibn Abdillah As-sudaisiy Al-Iloori
I have been watching him and how he has been trying to manage his defeat. When he lost everything in the last elections, the first thing that came to my mind was a talking Tom that I watched few years ago before his fall. The video was funny. But it contained a great warning for him and his fans. I am not sure whether any of his aides and fans was able to show it to him. They often hide such a thing from so that he can continue to think he was still in charge. Probably, if he had seen the funny video, he might have learnt from it and the defeat he tasted might not have been that serious. Many of those he surrounded himself with were people who hide the truth from him. They deceived him to the last point, and the will of Allaah prevailed.
We knew the reality of things and how it was to be difficult for him to win. The handwriting was clear on the wall. But it was either ignored or that there was nothing they could have done to save themselves from the heavy defeat. Before the election, I was discussing with a brother and friend I met in Lagos, and I told him my thought about the whole situation. I told him that the man is over-hyped in Abuja, but at home, our people were fed up and they weren't ready to continue with him.
I personally refrained from talking directly about him due to Islamic injunctions against criticism of leaders in public. Our people suffered untold hardship under his leadership. They were seriously maltreated. They were humiliated. When workers became beggars begging for food, how do we then describe the situation of their dependants? Many state and local government workers became burdens upon federal staff and private business owners. Moving round the town, we can count the number of substandard road projects in 8 years. Some people try to put the blame on the immediate past governor. But the question is: who brought him? Most housing projects were scams. I am a witness. I have my evidences. I live in one of the Estates built by him, it is nothing to write home about. Everyone have to start rebuilding their houses by themselves after paying for them. Although, as a Governor, he tried his best. But the 8 years of his succcessor has destroyed few things he was able to achieve during his time. A leader is not considered to be successful until his successor is successful. Even those who are in their camp later got frustrated by situation of things. There is no gainsaying in the fact that some of his trusted loyalists worked against him and his people in the elections.
The major incident that determined his political futuer was his alliance with the unrepentant enemies of his party. He sacrificed the ambitions of his followers for his own personal ambition to lead at all cost. He admitted in a audio I listened to that it was a difficult time. He was distracted with criminal allegations and prosecutions. He didn't enjoy the position. He wasn't able to assist our people as he would have loved to. He said it was a difficult thing to fight the government. He did it and paid direly for it.
Like I do tell my people, it is not in our best interest to mock him at this point in time. We still need him in some ways. We are expected to learn great lessons from the whole incident. Allaah gives power to whoever He wishes. We should learn that power shouldn't be sought with everything or at all cost. What happened to him is not easy to bear. We should pity him, we shouldn't mock him. We should console him. Perhaps, Allaah want him to learn somethings and change to become a better person. I expect him not to relax. I want him to continue to do the good things that he used to do to people while he was in power and refrain from evil deeds. He should use the opportunity of his political sabatical or retirement to move close to Allaah and learn Islaam according to the Sunnah and the way of the Salaf. He should distance himself from liars and misguided scholars who promote bid'ah and glorified shirk in the society. May Allaah ease his affairs.
When he was in power, his people used to accuse his opponents of not doing anything. They used to accuse them of always running away and resurfacing every four years. Now, it is their turn to assist people without being in power. I expect him to start constructing roads, build hospitals, distribute electric transformers to communities who are in need, and empower the youths with his personal wealth. I expect him to begin to invest in Kwara State by building companies and wooing foreign investors to Ilorin to develop our economy. May Allaah make these easy for him.
Be that as it may, what I have noticed so far is that he is learning and would still learn more from the incident. The first thing I was able to observe in him is acceptance of qadar. He said during his valedictory speech,
"This is also one of those occasions when the Supreme Creator reminds us, once again, that power does not reside in any one person"
This statement of his made me so happy that he is able to understand that power belongs to Allaah and He alone has the power to will it to whoever he wishes and He withholds it from whoever He wishes.
Secondly, he didn't allow the defeat to weigh him down so much. He was still performing his duties as expected. It is not easy to experience that kind of political tsunami and humiliation and regain composure so quickly. I do not forsee his return because the wounds in people's mind are still fresh. Even if the government in power fails to live up to expectations, our people can only pray for a better one and not return to their vomit.
However, I have always maintained the fact that we don't have to occupy political offices before we can contribute our quota to the development of our societies. We should always use our God-given talents and resources to assist the people, especially those who are close to us in the family and immediate environments. The fact that someone loses his political relevance shouldn't make him to stop helping people if he indeed he is sincere in his love for the people.
May Allaah grant AbdulRahmaan Abdulrazzaaq the ability to do good and improve our standard of living. I will advise his government to focus on building of infrastructures, industrialization and effective IGR regime. May Allaah make it easy for them.
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